Invest in Tlaxcala

The Best Located Industrial Parks in Mexico

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Strategic Location
Public Industrial Parks

Mexicos's city area is located aproximately two hours away from the state og Tlaxcala The Metrolitan area of the valley of Mexico has a potencial market of 21 million inhabitants and produces 17% of national GDP


Our History

The Xicotencatl Industrial City Trust (FIDECIX) is an autonomous, public and decentralized government trust with more than 43 years of experience in the administration of the three public industrial parks of the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico. FIDECIX also specializes in attracting national and international investment to the State of Tlaxcala, which has contributed to promoting economic development in Tlaxcala and Mexico.



12 de Julio de 1978, se crea el Fideicomiso de la Ciudad Industrial de Xicotencatl, con el apoyo del Gobierno Federal y Estatal.



En el año de 1979, se crea la Ciudad Industrial Xicotencatl I, en el municipio Tetla de la Solidaridad.


Decreto 188

En 1998 se aprueba Decreto 188 en el que se establece que el Gobierno del Estado deberá apoyar permanentemente al FIDECIX para generar un desarrollo económico en el Estado.


Se crea en el municipio de Huamantla Ciudad Industrial Xicotencatl II, proyectando sus inicios en el año 2000.



26 de Julio del 2000 se crea en el municipio de Tlaxco, la Ciudad Industrial Xicotencatl III, proyectando sus inicios en el año 2004.



Comienza la instalación de diversas empresas dedicadas a la fabricación de autopartes, impulsadas por el arranque de operaciones de la empresa armadora AUDI a menos de 20 min. (30km). de la Ciudad Industrial Xicotencatl II.



2020 CIX I, II Y III reciben el reconocimiento de Parques Seguros por parte del AMPIP.


Parques Seguros

1 de Junio del 2021 se abre el primer Centro de Monitoreo, con la instalación de más de 170 cámaras ubicadas en los tres parques industriales, para atender incidencias en CIX I, II y III.


We are a decentralized public agency of the Government of the State of Tlaxcala, whose purpose is to provide order and maintenance within the public industrial parks of the State of Tlaxcala; promote the generation of formal employment; as well as the purchase, sale and lease of land and warehouses for industrial use that support the economic development of the State of Tlaxcala.


To be the body within the State Government, which is effective and the reference in attracting industrial investment and the support for the sector in the State, developing new industrial spaces, giving continuous maintenance to existing ones and serve as the link with other areas of the public sector, the private sector and civil society, to have an impact on job creation.









The Commission of Drinking Water and Sewerage of Xicotencatl Industrial City (CAPACIX) is a decentralized public body created with the exclusive purpose of rationally managing the water consumed by the companies installed in CIX I, CIX II and CIX III, as well as the proper management and operation of the networks and hydraulic works for the benefit of the industrial development of the State of Tlaxcala.

To check in, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the store section you are going to use 4 for CAPACIX I and 5 for CAPACIX II.
  2. Place the correct data in the sales notes section, the note data will appear and when confirming it will send you to the RFC confirmation page.
  3. Once the billing information has been confirmed, the invoice will be generated and sent to the email indicated by the user of the service.

To support you in a specialized way, contact the
phone: +52 241 412 7285.

Generate your bill here.



Installed Companies and FIDECIX Service Executive

Meet the companies installed in our three industrial areas, located in the municipalities of Tetla, Tlaxco and Huamantla in the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Contact our executives for better attention and linkage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn what we do at FIDECIX and solve all your questions. We want to support you in your process of renting, buying land and business installation, as well as in your stay in one of our three Industrial Parks.

Online Invoicing

Generate your bill for land rental, drinking water or other services automatically. In addition, consult and download in our Intranet all your invoices issued to guarantee better control.

Sign up for the FIDECIX 2022 Supplier Register

Increase your sales with the most important companies in the world and be part of the most important Industrial Register of Suppliers of Tlaxcala State.

FIDECIX Supplier Register 2022

Suppliers of the State of Tlaxcala authorized by FIDECIX.

Contact Directory

Boulevard Lic. Emilio Sánchez Piedras, Number 213 Xicotencatl I Industrial City, C.P. 90434, Tetla de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala, México.


Phones: (241)412 7047, 412 7051, 412 7250 ext.101

Drinking Water and Sewerage Commission of the Xicotencatl Industrial City (CAPACIX)

Phone: (241) 412 7285

Immediate Response Center (CERI)

Phones: 01 800 CERICIX – 01 800 2374 249

Business Care

Phones: (241) 412 7047, 412 7051, 412 7250 Ext. 110