In February, FIDECIX linked more than 90 people with the companies located in CIX I (Tetla), CIX II (Huamantla) and CIX III (Tlaxco). We ask the Human Resources area of your company to send us your vacancy report.
In March, an agro-industrial company located in Ciudad Industrial Xicoténcatl II (Huamantla, Tlaxcala) approached the Trust to request and carry out recruitments by the FIDECIX liaison area in some communities of the same municipality.
On the part of FIDECIX, the link was made with community presidents, to carry out this recruitment. 11 routes were established to meet the demand requested by the company. The profiles requested were of different levels of schooling and professionalization such as: general assistants, electromechanics, production operators, welders, instrumentalists, etc.