No matter where you are, the Mexican Red Cross in Tlaxcala will come to you to help you.
Help in this Great Collection 2022.
En FIDECIX nos unimos a la Gran Colecta 2022 de la Cruz Roja Mexicana, y te invitamos a nuestras oficinas para que pongas tu granito de arena, o bien puedes elegir cualquiera de las siguientes alcancías para ubicarla en las instalaciones de tu empresa.
Make your cash contribution at Boulevard Lic. Emilio Sánchez Piedras, Numero 213, Ciudad Industrial Xicotencatl I, C.P. 90434, Tetla de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala.
Schedule: 9:00 to 17:00 hours
When you help, the good comes back to you.
You can make donations to the Mexican Red Cross in exchange for training, and this also reduces tax payments.
Learn more about this and other benefits here: Xicontencatl Industrial City Trust
For more information contact the offices of the Red Cross Delegation in Tlaxcala: 246 466 2850
Report an accident or emergency to 911 and 800 CERICIX/ 800 2374249
Regardless of the time, day or place, the Red Cross deals with accidents and claims immediately. In addition, this institution frequently trains its staff, and seeks to have all the necessary equipment to attend an emergency.