The College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State (CECYTE) offers companies located in CIX I, II and III the Dual Education System (SED), an innovative alternative, in which the needs of the industrial sector are aligned with the profiles of educational institutions of upper secondary type (baccalaureate level). We bring the right student to your company. Please send us an email to:
The objective is to train high school graduates with a humanistic vision and scientific skills, innovation technologies and entrepreneurship for their incorporation into productive activity to companies located in CIX I, II and III. Some benefits of integrating the dual system to the industry are as follows:
CECyTE currently has 32 campuses in the state, among these the closest to CIX I and CIX II are: Campus 11 Atexcatzinco, Campus 23 Santa María Texcalac, Campus 07 Ahuashuatepec, Campus 23 Texcalac, Campus 30 Texmolac, CIX II: Campus 32, San Pablo Zitlaltepec.
Know the characteristics of the DUAL SYSTEM
Below, we present some legal considerations that companies that wish to open the doors to this DUAL education system must meet.
Formalization of the relationship between the company and the staff.
Document signed by the educational campus, the company, parent or guardian and student, dwhere the responsibilities of each one is established. Annexes: Rotation Plan / Optional Insurance by the CECyTE.